
Eucharistic Adoration | Praise & Worship | Confession

Jericho is a monthly night of worship featuring Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament– our Lord present in the Eucharist. The evening includes praise and worship led by Dave and Lauren Moore, a short reflection talk, and the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Afterwards, everyone is invited to join in time for fellowship. 

Mustang Awakening

Mustang Awakening is a student-led retreat where you have the chance to step back from the stresses of college life, connect with God, and build meaningful friendships. Open to all SMU undergraduates, this weekend is packed with talks, activities, and opportunities to grow deeper in faith.

Mustang Awakening 17 - Fall 2024

Mustang Awakening our biggest retreat of the year! Join us at the Pines Catholic Camp in Big Sandy, TX on November 22nd-24th for a weekend of fellowship, transformation, and fun!

Registration has now closed for Mustang Awakening 17. Keep an eye out for more exciting retreats later this year!

Bible Studies

We host numerous Bible studies during the week, led by fellow students and our FOCUS missionary team– there is sure to be one to fit your needs and schedule! Contact our FOCUS missionary team lead, Sarah LeBlanc at to get signed up for a Bible study!

Ranch Retreat

Our annual Ranch Retreat is an opportunity to step away and relax in God’s glorious creation, while growing in faith and community. Look for more info and registration in the spring!

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Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is having another person "walk with" and "accompany" you as you strive to grow closer to God, learn how to hear His voice, and discover where He may be leading you in your spiritual life! While Spiritual Direction is mainly about your prayer life, you can also find guidance or advice in:

  • How to discover God's presence in your daily prayer life

  • Discernment for your future, such as vocation and career steps

  • Discernment in daily life

  • Help with moral questions about the Catholic faith

  • Resources like devotionals, books, and guides to help you grow in faith

  • How to know yourself, accept yourself, and better yourself

Contact our in-house Spiritual Director, Tammy Grady at to learn more.